Village Hall Equipment Hire

Did you know that you can also hire equipment from the Village Hall? For example, if you’re hosting a dinner party at your house and you could really do with another table or two, you can always hire equipment from the Village Hall.

What Equipment Can I Hire from the Village Hall?

Item Qty Availble
Large Trestle Tables 12
Small Trestle Tables 5
Microwave 1
Urn 1
Coffee Urn 1
Standard Hall Cutlery
(Not necessarily matching)
Nearly 100
Kings Cutlery
(Matching – See Below)
Nearly 100
Wine 60+
1/2 Pint 50
Pint 40
Flute 60
Chairs 100

If you are interested in hiring equipment, please contact the Bookings Clerk or download a bookings form – see this page for more information: Village Hall Booking Forms

Kings Cutlery

The Village Hall is able to offer for hire a lovely collection of matching cutlery to make your event a little bit more special. The Kings cutlery can be hired per place setting with one place setting consisting of:

Starter Knife Starter Fork Soup Spoon
Main Course Knife Main Course Fork Dessert Spoon
Tea Spoon

(Larger image)

Village Hall Booking Forms

Online booking form is currently unavailable. For more information, please contact Jo Perricone on 07722 608333.

Note all prices are subject to change. It is advisable to check with the Bookings Clerk that prices have not been changed from when this form was created. A new form can be collected from the Bookings Clerk at any time. It is also advisable to ring with the intended date of the function to check availability.
